1.Can thin-film resistance pressure sensors measure accurately?
Thin-film resistance pressure sensors cannot be accurately measured and can qualitatively analyze the trend of pressure changes or the relative magnitude of the test pressure.
2.Can the sensor be folded and bent?
Although the sensor is flexible, folding the pressure-sensitive active area may cause the conductor to break, and it isrecommended not to bend more than 90°.
3.Is the sensor resistant to high temperatures?
Operating temperature range -40°C~+85°C
4.How do flexible sensors feedback pressure? Is the resistance constant, or is it decreasing by a constant value?
Flexible pressure sensors are resistive: the greater the force, the smaller the resistance.
5.Is the sensor waterproof?
The flexible pressure sensor material is not recommended to be in direct contact with the liquid, and the sensor needs to be waterproof.
6.What surface is best for the sensor to place?
Flat and smooth surfaces are optimal, where moist gases or dirt particles can cause false triggering of the sensor.
7.Will the sensor be damaged if it exceeds the range?
Exceeding the range will not damage the sensor, and the sensor can continue to work normally after the range returns to normal.