The seed is contained in the kidney shaped nuts grown at the bottom of cashew fruit. The seed, its shell and the fruit have many
uses. The shell for example has uses in the production of lubricants, paints and water proofing. The fruit can be fermented into
fruit drinks and liquor. Salted Cashew nuts: Salt that is used for the roasting process provides right amount of heat from all
over to cashew nuts. And just the right amount of salt sticks to cashews when they are done, leaving the rest in the pan.
uses. The shell for example has uses in the production of lubricants, paints and water proofing. The fruit can be fermented into
fruit drinks and liquor. Salted Cashew nuts: Salt that is used for the roasting process provides right amount of heat from all
over to cashew nuts. And just the right amount of salt sticks to cashews when they are done, leaving the rest in the pan.