selling points for CAT D5K:
1) Comfortable Cab Spacious cab and air suspension seat keep you comfortable all day. 2) Seat-Mounted Controls Intuitive
seat-mounted controls improve operator performance and reduce fatigue. 3) SystemOneTM Undercarriage See a dramatic reduction in
tractor owning and operating costs with the state-of-the-art SystemOne undercarriage. 4) AccuGradeTM Systems Revolutionary grade
control systems improve accuracy and increase productivity – with less effort.
1) Comfortable Cab Spacious cab and air suspension seat keep you comfortable all day. 2) Seat-Mounted Controls Intuitive
seat-mounted controls improve operator performance and reduce fatigue. 3) SystemOneTM Undercarriage See a dramatic reduction in
tractor owning and operating costs with the state-of-the-art SystemOne undercarriage. 4) AccuGradeTM Systems Revolutionary grade
control systems improve accuracy and increase productivity – with less effort.