[Brand Story] Audis has its own creative development and design team to meet personalized customization. The company's brand Audis, perfume diary, bags, thought-provoking, Shakruth. The product categories include perfume, rattan fragrance/fragrance tablet, Liuxiangzhu and other series of products. Adhering to simple packaging and affordable prices, we strive for a young, confident, exquisite, fashionable, and trendsetter lifestyle, pursuing quality of life, taste, and charm. We collaborate with internationally renowned spice companies such as Fenmeiyi, Qihuadun, IFF International, and Mann's to make fragrances more long-lasting, covering the entire supply chain on both online and offline platforms
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What are the benefits of perfume?
Perfume can make us more attractive and confident. Psychological tests show that people who often wear perfume have stronger social skills than those who do not wear perfume. If a person has a pleasant fragrance, they will have more confidence and humor in personal communication.
How long can perfume be kept after opening?
If the preservation method is correct, it can be preserved for many years, but the life of perfume mainly composed of citrus will be very short after opening. Many perfume use citrus as the top note. After many years, the top note will disappear, but the middle and base note can be well preserved.
What is the correct method for fragrance testing?
Spray a small amount on the wrist or the back of the hand, wait patiently for a moment, let the perfume interact with the skin, and then feel its taste. Don't just smell the fragrance through the test card, or directly smell the perfume nozzle, because all perfume must be in contact with the skin to better volatilize
Why sometimes, after just spraying for a while, you can't smell the fragrance on yourself?
Usually, most human senses become numb under continuous stimulation, while the sense of smell often fails within a few minutes. Because we can't get rid of perfume molecules, our sense of smell has become accustomed to it. So we may think that the fragrance has disappeared, but others can still smell it.
Why do we like or hate a certain perfume?
Because our response to odors is partly innate and partly acquired, we are born to like certain types of odors and are sensitive to certain people's odors. As we grow up, emotional information from our life experiences is bound to our brain, forming an odor information bank. Both of these factors can affect our love for a certain odor.
Do different people feel different when they smell the same perfume?
Yes, everyone has different feelings and responses to fragrance. For example, some people are particularly sensitive to certain fragrances, while others have little sensation towards these fragrances.