2. Attract customers and increase economic benefits
Since snow can be seen at any time of the year, it feels magical and rare and will attract many customers.
3. Health benefits (high-end sauna, snowman room)
Promote digestive function: skin is stimulated by cold, abdominal blood circulation is accelerated, defecation is accelerated. Can effectively improve the digestion and absorption capacity. Any long period of cold stimulation exercise will have a greater appetite. Indigestion is rare. It is good for the skin when it is exposed to cold irritation. Skin capillaries and subcutaneous blood vessels contract immediately, enhancing the metabolism of skin cells and promoting cortical gland secretion.
4. Let people fully acclimate
When the skin is irritated by the cold, the body produces more heat to fight the cold, thus burning calories in the body so that they cannot be stored as fat. And then let people fully adapt. Long-term use of cold stimulation exercise can increase immune globulin, prevent and treat various diseases. Make people feel comfortable, relaxed, refreshed, exercise will, enhance confidence.