55% aluminum-Zinc Alloy Coated Steel is cold-rolled carbon steel with a metallic coating composed of Aluminum 55% ,Zinc 43.4% and
silicon 1.6%, the aluminum-zinc alloy forms very dense crystal structure on top of steel, which has very good anti-corroding
silicon 1.6%, the aluminum-zinc alloy forms very dense crystal structure on top of steel, which has very good anti-corroding
In order to get a cost-effective steel with similar price like powder coated steel and similar anti-rusting performance
likestainless steel, 55% aluminum-Zinc Alloy Coated Steel is the ideal choice.
likestainless steel, 55% aluminum-Zinc Alloy Coated Steel is the ideal choice.
In the lab test, 55% Al-Zn steel sheet shows very close durability as S/S 304. even perfom better than 304 in salt-mist testwhen both were contaminated by free iron.