Sixteen years of growth and experience, from OEM production to original research and development and brand building, from furniture products to the whole home customization, from the international trend market to the exploration of Chinese home life culture, constantly enhance product creativity and brand competitiveness. DAS CASA Group from the product style, life scene or cultural field and other direction of subdivision brand positioning, It has three product sections: contemporary living,
contemporary Oriental and contemporary elegant luxury, among, Contemporary living section to the modern minimalist, young fashion to position, The brands of this section include DASHCASA and Black Smith Division; Contemporary Oriental is the main new Chinese original full case high set brand, Focus on the contemporary Oriental cultural mansion, Its brands include MOOAU and MOOLEE. The
SHEMOOD brand of contemporary luxury section aims to build a warm and elegant high-quality luxury space for the new generation..
contemporary Oriental and contemporary elegant luxury, among, Contemporary living section to the modern minimalist, young fashion to position, The brands of this section include DASHCASA and Black Smith Division; Contemporary Oriental is the main new Chinese original full case high set brand, Focus on the contemporary Oriental cultural mansion, Its brands include MOOAU and MOOLEE. The
SHEMOOD brand of contemporary luxury section aims to build a warm and elegant high-quality luxury space for the new generation..