Verify product quality
before it leaves the factory:within 48 hours of your order, inspectors specialized in your product arrive onsite to check your shipment against your specification.
3. Get the full picture : a detailed inspection report with photographs and defect descriptions is sent to you the same day as the inspection.
4. Check the information or marks required by clients,such as the information on the carton, information on products, warning text and all the other.
5. Check the barcode number and test the barcode if it works fine when packing.
3. Get the full picture : a detailed inspection report with photographs and defect descriptions is sent to you the same day as the inspection.
4. Check the information or marks required by clients,such as the information on the carton, information on products, warning text and all the other.
5. Check the barcode number and test the barcode if it works fine when packing.
Easy online checking and managing orders and accessing data anywhere, any time.
Ensure product quality at every production stage, Never pay for defective products again!
Right for your business, we understand the needs of your business.