ICAO Annex 14 aircraft warning lights
As it is known, ICAO and Annex 14, where standards are determined, FAA and Civil Aviation Regulations have classified aircraft
warning lamps according to certain criteria. One of these classes is determined according to day or night marking. ICAO stated
that obstacle luminaires to be used in daytime marking must be strictly white, flashing warning lights. As it is clearly stated in
the Civil Aviation Regulation, the marking of obstacles with a warning lamp at the points where they need to be marked during the
day is made with white light. ICAO has classified white lights as Medium Intensity type A, High-Intensity type A, and
High-Intensity type B.
As it is known, ICAO and Annex 14, where standards are determined, FAA and Civil Aviation Regulations have classified aircraft
warning lamps according to certain criteria. One of these classes is determined according to day or night marking. ICAO stated
that obstacle luminaires to be used in daytime marking must be strictly white, flashing warning lights. As it is clearly stated in
the Civil Aviation Regulation, the marking of obstacles with a warning lamp at the points where they need to be marked during the
day is made with white light. ICAO has classified white lights as Medium Intensity type A, High-Intensity type A, and
High-Intensity type B.