Red cedar
The wood density is high, the wood grain is elegant and noble, it can produce a long-lasting natural wood fragrance, corrosion
resistance, no deformation, and the sauna room made of it has the value of collection. However, the processing technology is
complicated and the cost is high, and the sauna room made of it is expensive.
The wood density is high, the wood grain is elegant and noble, it can produce a long-lasting natural wood fragrance, corrosion
resistance, no deformation, and the sauna room made of it has the value of collection. However, the processing technology is
complicated and the cost is high, and the sauna room made of it is expensive.
Canadian hemlock:
It has high wood density, natural wood grain, good texture, corrosion resistance and no deformation. However, the processing
technology is complicated and the cost is high, and the sauna room made of the same is expensive.
It has high wood density, natural wood grain, good texture, corrosion resistance and no deformation. However, the processing
technology is complicated and the cost is high, and the sauna room made of the same is expensive.